M . E . L A U R S E N

Isn’t there a kind of reasoning
that depends on the collection
of more and more data? A kind
of gluttonous reasoning, a logic
that consumes so much, a logic
that concludes through leaving
no stone unturned. “The solution
is contained in these data
of which I have left nothing out.
All this information, swallowed
by me, has granted the solution.
I own it, in my belly.”
The last time we met you were polite --
gently letting me enter, bit by bit
getting a sense of who I was
and who I could be. A sampler.
“Top or bottom?” you asked me
and that was knowledge,
which I thought to keep to myself,
so afraid of consumption.
When a snake swallows
a smaller snake whole, the snake
becomes the snake.
This time, please, consume me. Split open
your belly to let me in. Just as gently
but so much faster. Digest me first
and ask questions later. Warm up my
everything with the lining of your tummy
and before long you’ll know everything.
This time, please, consume me.
Fred Tally-Foos studied humanities and poetry at the University of Texas where he received his BA in 2017. He writes poetry that is sometimes about how human patterns adapt and react in physical/relational spaces.